New Zealand Educational Assistance Limited (NZEAL) is a registered company based in New Zealand with the aim of meeting the needs and requirements of international students both onshore and offshore who require tertiary education suitable to individual needs. We advise and recommend courses from specialist education providers align with the student’s qualification and experience for further education or as a potential pathway for employment during and after studies. Also, we prepare and develop course curricula, educational materials and provide staffing which can be availed by education providers. We also accept and conduct educational and business research. Moreover, the companies also organise and offer short term courses, such as training, seminars, workshops, tutoring and mentoring students with the required English language proficiency to undertake tertiary education and other trade courses. Furthermore, NZEAL also offers Related Learning Experience (RLE) and Practicum Placement to students enrolled in healthcare and hospitality management, medical, and cookery.
Additionally, NZEAL assists overseas candidates with their pursuit for New Zealand Registration (Nursing Council, Teacher’s Council and others)
Our high caliber in-house immigration lawyer provides us with up-to-date information about policies and guidelines in assessing our clients wanting to study in New Zealand. Their knowledge and expertise over the prevailing laws, policies and regulations made them competent and reliable in advising our clients towards their success.
Our integrity and reliability are reflective to a number of international students we provide and the importance we receive from our competent and committed education providers. We value our students and partners in the same manner as we value our company. We merit our success from our winning philosophy “To be the most preferred education placement providers that value to the best interest of our international students”.
NZEAL envisions to become the leading and most preferred education placement provider trusted and committed for delivering professional and excellent service to the best interest of our clients.
NZEAL, through educational advising, consulting, training, staffing, and mentoring, commits to deliver exceptional quality service to clients while maintaining the highest level of professionalism with respect to ethnicity and cultural diversity in New Zealand.
Core Values
As an International Student Placement Provider, we are responsible for providing the right pathway of education to realise their dreams in the future. Thus, we take on the duty very seriously and uphold the following core values at all times:
Integrity. We work with integrity. What we say is what we deliver.
Reliability. We are the “go to” people if you want to get it done right the first time as countless of
International students trust their future with us.
Excellence. We are a legitimate education placement provider with a high-caliber in-house immigration adviser genuinely knowledgeable in a wide range of services that we offer and professional personnel who are excellent in service delivery.
Passion. We work in the company as we believe in the services that we provide. We go the extra mile for our clients to make a difference in their new lives while keeping in mind our responsibilities for the success of our company.
24/7 Suppport
We are the “go to” people if you want to get it done right the first time as countless of International students trust their future with us.
We are a legitimate education placement provider with a high-caliber in-house immigration lawyer genuinely knowledgeable in a wide range of services that we offer and professional personnel who are excellent in service delivery.
We work in the company as we believe in the services that we provide. We go the extra mile for our clients to make a difference in their new lives while keeping in mind our responsibilities for the success of our company.